DeKalb County Board of Zoning Appeals

Board of Zoning Appeals meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 PM, as needed. 
**Date and/or time may be adjusted to accommodate schedules.  Special Meetings may be called as needed.  For the date, time and location of the meeting, please look at the agenda.**
Board of Zoning Appeals Members:
  • Frank Pulver - Plan Commission Representative (appointed by County Commissioners) - Chairperson
  • Jason Carnahan - Plan Commission Representative (appointed by PC) - Vice Chairperson
  • Rory Walker - Citizen member
  • Andrew Provines - Citizen member
  • Wayne Funk - Citizen member
  • Andrew Kruse, Attorney
E-MAIL FOR MEMBERS: Correspondence about any application and projects before the BZA with members, via email, phone or face to face is not permitted.   

Board of Zoning Appeals Duties

The duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals are described below. Duties should be interpreted as activities that are obligations.


  1. Hear appeals of decisions made by the Zoning Administrator in his/her administration of the Unified Development Ordinance.
  2. Hear and approve or deny all applications for special exceptions, development standards variances, and use variances based on the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance and Indiana State Code.
  3. Discharge the duties of the Floodplain Standards Variance and Appeals Board as noted in Section 1.30 Summary of Duties of the Floodplain Standards Variance and Appeal Board.
  4. Other duties as permitted by Indiana State Code.