2018 Dekalb County Commissioners Ordinances & Resolutions
2018 Dekalb County Commissioners Ordinances & Resolutions
Associated Documents
- 2018
- Ordinance 2018-OCC-8 Local Income Tax Rate Ordinance
- Ordinance 2018-R-2; DCC 9-1-1-38 - Speed Limit on CR 28 From Intersection with CR 31 Going East to Waterloo
- Ordinance 2018-R-11; DCC 9-1-1-39 - Speed Limit on CR 28 From Interstate 69 West to CR 27
- Ordinance 2018-R-21; DCC 28-6-4 - Restricted Fund for the Dekalb Community Corrections Department
- Ordinance 2018-R-22; DCC 28-9-5 - Restricted Fund for the Probation Department
- Ordinance 2018-R-23; DCC 28-9-6 - Restricted Fund for Sheriff to Benefit its K9 Program
- Ordinance 2018-R-27; DCC 28-9-7 - Restricted Fund for Sheriff to Acquire Body Cameras for Road Deputies In-Dash Cams Vehicles
- Resolution 2018-R-3; Ordinance UDO 44 - Zone Map Amendment at 6221 CR 427; 6247 CR 427; 6479 CR 427; 6493 CR 427; 2471 CR 64 Aub
- Resolution 2018-R-4; Amending Sick Time Increments and Amending Employee Handbook III.E.3. on Page 32 of the Employee Handbook
- Resolution 2018-R-5; UDO 45 - Amending the DeKalb County's Unified Development Ordinance
- Resolution 2018-R-6; UDO 46 - Amending the DeKalb County Unified Development Ordinance
- Resolution 2018-R-9; DCC 32-2-1-6.1 - County Policy Regarding Weapons in DeKalb County Courthouse
- Resolution 2018-R-10; Authorizing Transfer of Funds from the County Rainy Day Fund to Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund
- Resolution 2018-R-14; DCC 8-1-2-20 - Transfer of CR 427 and Accompanying Right-of way from South Limit of Town of Waterloo
- Resolution 2018-R-15; DCC 32-3-4-1 - Department of Development Services Regulations an Amended Ordinance Requiring Permits
- Resolution 2018-R-16; Opposition of Exporting Michindoh Aquifer Water Areas Outside Aquifer
- Resolution 2018-R-17; UDO 49 - Zone Map Amendment Located at; 7521 US Highway 6 Butler IN
- Resolution 2018-R-18; DCC 7-1-8-1.1 - Appointing Purchasing Agent to Make Small Purchases and to Establish Rules for Special
- Resolution 2018-R-19; UDO 50 - Zone Map Amendment at Southwest of the Intersection of SR 1 and Keesler Street, Spencerville IN
- Resolution 2018-R-20; DCC 4-11-2-1- Amending Composition of DeKalb County Drainage Board
- Resolution 2018-R-24; DCC 4-1-3-36 - John David Souder Memorial
- Resolution 2018-R-25; Amending Vacation Leave, Bereavement Leave, and Court Leave Time Increments - Employee Handbook
- Resolution 2018-R-26; Adopting Economic Development Income Tax Capital Improvement Plan
- Resolution 2018-R-13; UDO 48 - Amending the DeKalb County Unified Development Ordinance
- Resolution 2018-R-12; UDO 47 - Amending the DeKalb Unified Development Ordinance