2019 DeKalb County Commissioners Resolutions & Ordinances
2019 DeKalb County Commissioners Ordinances & Resolutions
Associated Documents
- 2019
- Ordinance 2019-R-1; DCC 9-1-4-2 - Establishing a no Parking, Standing, or Stopping Zone Along Entire Length of Potter Drive
- Ordinance 2019-R-4; UDO 52 - Zone Map Amendment The North East Corner of Southest Parcel at Intersection of SR 1 and CR 68
- Ordinance 2019-R-6 - DCC 9-1-1-40 - Speed Limit on CR 11A and 56 from Interesction of CR 11A with CR 427 and CR 57 with CR 17
- Ordinance 2019-R-13; DCC 4-3-3 - Amending and Replacing DeKalb County Ordinance No. 2001-8. DCC 4-3-3 Plat Book Maintenance
- Ordinance 2019-R-17; DCC 28-9-8 - Restricted Fund for the DeKalb County Public Defender Office
- Ordinance 2019-R-19; DCC 32-3-3 - Building Department Regulations
- Ordinance 2019-R-25; DCC 22-1-5 - Credit Card Use Authorization Ordinance
- Resolution 2019-R-2; Intent to Conduct a Commissioners' Sale to Sell Tax Sale Certificates for Delinquent Properties
- Resolution 2019-R-3; Ordinance UDO 51 - Zone map Amendment Located at 5417 County Road 17 Garrett IN
- Resolution 2019-R-5; Ordinance UDO 53 Southwest of Intersection of SR1 and County Road 68
- Resolution 2019-R-6; DCC 32-4-2-4 - Prohibiting Political Signs or Literature on County Buildings and Real Estaet
- Resolution 2019-R-8; Authorizing Transfer of Funds from the County Rainy Day Fund to Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund
- Resolution 2019-R-9; Approving the Designation of DeKalb County as a Voter Center COunty
- Resolution 2019-R-10; DCC 32-2-1-6.2 - County Policy Regarding Cell Phones, Recording Devices, Cameras, and other Means
- Resolution 2019-R-11; Zone Map Amendment Located 5513 CR 17. Garrett IN
- Resolution 2019-R-12; Ordinance UDO 54 - Zone Map Amendment Located 5856 CR 427 Auburn, IN
- Resolution 2019-R-14; Ordinance UDO 55- Zone Map Amendment at 6903 SR , Spencerville IN
- Resolution 2019-R-15; Zone Map Amendment at 3402 CR 31. Auburn, IN
- Resolution 2019-R-16; Ordinance UDO 57 - Zone Map Amendment at 6974 SR 1, Spencerville IN
- Resolution 2019-R-20; Ordinance UDO 58 - Zone Map Amendment at County Road 64, Auburn IN
- Resolution 2019-R-21; Proclamation Honoring the Public Service of Steve Fetters
- Resolution 2019-R-22; Ordinance UDO 59 - Zone Amendment at 1484 SR 8, Auburn IN
- Resolution 2019-R-23; Ordinance UDO 60 - Zone Amendment at Southwest Corner of CR 56 and CR 11A, Garrett, IN