The Drainage Board Office is located at 220 E 7th Street, Suite 130, Auburn, IN.  Please enter the office through the North East door. 


DeKalb County Drainage Board meetings occur every first & third Thursday of the month, beginning at 8:30 a.m., in the Derald D. Kruse Commissioners Court on the 2nd floor, of the west side of the DeKalb County Courthouse, 100 S. Main St. Auburn. This information is also published in the paper. 

Click HERE to view Drainage Board Minutes and Agendas


Department Overview

The five-member Drainage Board consists of: 

DeKalb County Board of Commissioners:

William L. Hartman

Kellen Dooley

James Miller 


Appointed Members:  

Steve Kelham

Bruce W. Bell II

DeKalb County Drainage Board Duties

The DeKalb County Drainage Board manages the construction and reconstruction of all county-regulated drains or proposed county-regulated drains in the county as required by Indiana State Law. The Drainage Board and the County Surveyor have jurisdiction over all county-regulated drains. County-regulated drains are drains that have been established by either the Commissioners' Court or County Circuit Court prior to 1965 or the Drainage Board since 1966. County-regulated drains are open ditches, tile drains, or a combination of both.

Drainage Board Attorney

Shannon E. Kruse
Attn: Drainage Board
220 E 7th Street, Suite 130
Auburn, Indiana 46706
(260) 415-3785