**UPDATE**Probation Clients: Please Read!

DeKalb County Probation Department***215 East Ninth Street, Suite 200
Auburn, Indiana 46706***(260)-925-2400***Fax: (260)-925-5942

 March 23, 2020

 Dear Probation Clients:

 As I am sure you are aware, our communities are currently in a state of uncertain times due to Covid-19.  In an effort to lessen the spread of the virus, the DeKalb County Commissioners have closed the county buildings to the public.  As a result, we are unable to allow anyone into our offices at this point in time. 

 We will continue to meet with clients, but all contact right now will be by phone or e-mail.  Probation officers have been trying to contact their clients; however, we are having a difficult time getting in touch with everyone.  Many people do not have voicemail set up on their phones which means we have no way to leave messages.  If you have an e-mail address and would prefer to communicate with your officer in that way, please make sure you provide us with a valid e-mail address.  If you have an upcoming court date, please contact the court to check on the status of the hearing.  The phone numbers for the Courts are as followed: Superior Court I: 260-925-4723; Superior Court II: 260-925-5277; or Circuit Court: 260-925-2764.

 If you have not heard from your probation officer prior to your next scheduled appointment, please contact our office at 260-925-2400 and we will instruct you on how to proceed.  Many of our employees are currently working from home, so it is possible we may need to change the date or time of your appointment. If you are supervised in a different county, please follow instructions from your supervising officer in your county of residence.  

 If you are required to call the drug screen line, we do expect you to continue doing so.

 For those who need to make payments on probation user fees, you now have two options.  You may pay by sending a money order to our department at 215 E. 9th Street, Suite 200, Auburn, IN 46706.  Personal checks are not accepted at any time.  You may also pay your fees by telephone by using a credit or debit card.  For this option, you may call our office during normal business hours, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM or 1:00 PM – 3:45 PM (M, W, Th, F) or 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM or 2:00 PM – 3:45 PM on Tuesdays.

 This is uncharted territory for all of us and we are doing our best to ensure we continue to meet your needs while keeping both you and our staff safe.  We understand this is a stressful time for everyone.  If there is anything we can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

 Please continue to check the DeKalb County Government’s website, https://www.co.dekalb.in.us/, for additional information as it will be updated as needed.  Additionally, please follow all recommended Covid-19 precautions and stay well. 


Michael Lapham
Chief Probation Officer

 From the DeKalb County Probation Department


 If you feel as if you are required to report or required to speak with your Probation Officer at this time please e-mail your officer at the below e-mail addresses. E-mail is the best way to contact your Officer at this time.

If you do not have access to e-mail you can call the main line at (260) 925-2400 and speak with front office staff and they can provide contact information for you to your Officer.

Michael Lapham (Chief Probation Officer): MLapham@co.dekalb.in.us

Ryan Hull (Assistant Chief Probation office, Director of FRC and Vet Court): RHull@co.dekalb.in.us

Kelly Matter: KMattes@co.dekalb.in.us

Kelli Heath: KHeath@co.dekalb.in.us

Mark Pomeroy: MPomeroy@co.dekalb.in.us

Will Ternet: WTernet@co.dekalb.in.us

Johanna (Joey) Scott: JScott@co.dekalb.in.us

Bailey Gasper: ProbationMail@co.dekalb.in.us

Jonnie LaRowe: ProbationMail@co.dekalb.in.us

Bailee Grayless: BGrayless@co.dekalb.in.us

Michelle Ford: MFord@co.dekalb.in.us

Quentin Young: QYoung@co.dekalb.in.us


Thank you!