
Be it ordained that the DeKalb County Commissioners shall pay the DeKalb County Senior Citizens, Heimach Center, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000,.00) per year for the use and benefit of said association for partial maintenance of improvements beginning with the payment of said sum in January 1981 for each previous year, and in January from year to year thereafter until this ordinance is revoked.

(Ord. 81-2, passed February 23, 1981)



Be it ordained that the DeKalb County Commissioners shall pay to the multi Community Shelter Workshop the sum of $15,000.00 for the use and benefit of said association as DeKalb County's share of expenses for maintenance and operating expenses and services rendered to DeKalb County to date.

(Ord. 81-3, passed June 8, 1981)



WHEREAS, the welfare departments of the various counties of Indiana are under a dual system of county and state government administration; and,

WHEREAS, under this dual system, obligations are imposed by one agency of Government upon the other agency without a concurrent imposition of power to raise revenues to finance the obligations being imposed; and

WHEREAS, the dual system creates disparate personnel policies and compensation and benefit schedules between county welfare employees and other county workers; and,

WHEREAS, the dual system creates administrative confusion; and,

WHEREAS, the DeKalb County Welfare Department in not answerable to any elected official; and,

WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Indiana has created a task force to study problems concerning the welfare system in this state; and,

WHEREAS, the county of DeKalb wishes to cooperate in the study;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Council and Commissioners of DeKalb County, as the legislative body of DeKalb County, recommend that the dual system of administering the county welfare departments in this state be abolished; and,

A state welfare system be created to administer the welfare programs in the counties; and,

If a state welfare system is created, DeKalb County would cooperate in a transition period; and,

The cooperation would include financial participation over a fixed period of time; and,

The financial participation would consist of the county remitting to the State the property taxes levied to fund the county welfare department; the amounts remitted would decrease over the duration of the transition period.

(Res. 84-1, passed February 6. 1984)



Come now, the duly elected Commissioners of DeKalb County and do hereby resolve as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED, That the County is committed to providing assistance to those currently on welfare in hopes of making them more self-sufficient;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County does hereby accept its responsibilities as set forth in Senate Enrolled Act 477, Indiana Code 12-14-26 et. seq. effective July 1, 1997;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County does hereby designate The Fort Wayne Area Training & Development Corporation d/b/a JobWorks to provide certain services to the County with respect to the implementation of Senate Enrolled Act 477;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That there is hereby approved the Non-Financial Services Agreement to be entered into by and between the County and JobWorks for which services will be provided by JobWorks to the County as set forth in such Agreement at no cost to the County.


THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 14th day of July 1997, by and between DeKalb County, Indiana, by and through its Board of Commissioners (the "County"), and The Fort Wayne Area Training & Development Corporation d/b/a JobWorks (JobWorks).


WHEREAS, JobWorks has previously provided services to and has assisted the County with those functions as mandated by Senate Bill 478 (the "Prior Act") which relate to efforts to move AFDC recipients off welfare and into the workforce;

WHEREAS, the Prior, Act will be repealed as of July 1, 1998, however, to insure uninterruption of services, it is being replaced with Senate Enrolled Act 477 cited as Indiana Code 12-14-26-1 et. seq., which will be effective July 1, 1997 (the "New Act");

WHEREAS, the New Act requires the County, by its County Commissioners, to once again establish a planning council that will in turn establish an action plan and do other things to enable those community members of the County who currently receive Title IV-A assistance to become more self-sufficient;

WHEREAS, the County and its County Commissioners are committed to assisting those needy residents of the County in hopes of taking them off welfare and making them more self-sufficient; and

WHEREAS, JobWorks has in place the staffing and resources to provide services and to assist the County with those matters as required under the New Act.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1.   Engagement. The County does hereby engage and designate JobWorks and JobWorks does hereby accept such engagement to provide certain services to the County that may be requested from the County from time to time to implement the provisions of the New Act, including, without limitation, assistance as to membership in the local planning council and the development of an action plan and all, similar matters.
2.   No Financial Liability. The services to be provided, by JobWorks to the County hereunder shall be at no charge to the County.
3.   Term. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until all duties under the New Act have been performed unless otherwise terminated by the County upon notice to JobWorks.
4.   Relationship. The employees, agents, contractors and representatives of JobWorks shall not be deemed to be employees, agents, contractors and/or representatives of the County. Rather, such individuals shall be the employees, agents, contractors and/or representatives of JobWorks and the County shall not in any way be responsible for such individuals as to their wages, their actions or omissions. In that regard, JobWorks shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County and all of its constituents, elected officials, officers, agents and employees from and against any liability, claims, costs, expenses and fees, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and costs, of any kind or character, with respect to any act or omission by said employees, agents, contractors and/or representatives of JobWorks in the performance of their duties hereunder. In addition, and if requested by the County, JobWorks shall cause the County to be added as a named insured on its liability insurance policy providing liability coverage to and for the benefit of the County.
5.   Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana.

(Res. 97-10, passed July 14, 1997)