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County Code - Title 27 - Electronic Development back  
Date of Record: January 10, 2012



Chapter 1
Date Processing Department Established


Date Processing Department Established.  BE IT ORDAINED, that there shall be established a Data Processing Department of DeKalb County as a part of the Office of the DeKalb County Auditor, who shall supervise the administration of said department on a day to day basis, and the general supervision of a Data Processing Committee comprised of one (1) Council member, all three (3) County Commissioners, and the County Auditor. Which Committee shall be responsible for all budget preparation and requests including equipment, personnel, and salaries to be submitted to the County Council as required by law for appropriation to the office of the County Auditor Data Processing Department.

(Ord. 030788, passed March 7, 1988)

Chapter 2
Emergency to Increase Storage
on IBM System 34 Computer


Emergency to Increase Storage on IBM System 34 Computer.  H. Charles Winans, county attorney, composed the following resolution because the price increased from first quote to exceed the amount on equipment that is required to be bid. The resolution explains that the programmers could not continue with programs needed or requested by Commissioners without expanding the disk space. This in itself was an emergency. The price quote in June was $9660, but by the time money was appropriated and an agreement could be signed the price increased to $15,660.

Earlier an additional $5,000 had been appropriated to buy a small printer for the Auditor's office. To secure the price the resolution granted waiver of bid regulations and need for additional appropriation so the order could be placed requiring two month delivery. As the resolution states, only IBM could furnish additional disk space for our system 34 computer.

Whereas the County of DeKalb through its County Commissioners has purchased an IBM System 34 computer, with limited but expandable data storage, and

Whereas the only company that can increase the data storage is IBM and

Whereas an emergency exists in that all storage is at maximum and a need exists to increase same and

Whereas the cost quoted for increase from 27M.B.'s to 64 M.B.'s at a cost increase from $9,660 to $15,660 and

Whereas after due consultation with the County Attorney the County Commissioners do authorize an emergency expenditure to IBM to cover the cost of the data storage expense.

(Res. 81-1, passed August 17, 1981)

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