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County Code - Title 3 - Elections back  
Date of Record: January 9, 2012



Chapter 1
Voting Precincts Established


Voting Precincts Established.  BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of DeKa1b County, Indiana, that the voting precincts in the several townships of this county shall be and they are hereby established as follows:

Butler Twp.- shall be divided into two precincts, designated as west and east precincts. The west precinct shall be bounded on the east by the north and south center line of the township and on the north, east and south by the boundary line of said township. The voting place in the west precinct shall be at the Butler Center Schoolhouse and in the east precinct shall be at the St. Johns Schoolhouse.

Concord Township - shall he divided into two precincts as heretofore established.

Fairfield Township - shall be divided into three precincts designated as north, southeast and southwest precincts. The north precinct shall be bounded on the south by the section line running thru township from east to west two miles south of the north line of said township and shall be bounded on the west, north and east by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at the Shipe Schoolhouse. The southwest precinct shall be bounded on the north by the south line of the north precinct, on the east by the north and south center line of said township and on the south and west by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be Hartman's Schoolhouse. The southeast precinct shall be bounded on the west by the center line of said township, on the north by the south line of the north precinct and on the east and south by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be at Pleasant Hill Schoolhouse

Spencer Township - shall be divided into two precincts designated as east and west precincts. The west precinct shall be bounded on the east by the quarter section line running north and south thru the centers of Sections 21, 28, and 33. and on the north, west, and south by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at the Community Hall in Spencerville. The east precinct shall be bounded on the west by the east boundary line of the west precinct above described and on the north, east and south by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be the schoolhouse at Coburns' Corners.

Franklin Township - shall be divided into three precincts designated as north, southeast, and southwest. The north precinct shall be bounded on the south by the section line running east and west thru said township two miles south of the north boundary thereof, and on the west, north, and east by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at the residence of Gilbert Greenwood in Section 4. The southeast precinct shall be bounded on the north by the south line of the north precinct above described, on the west by the north and south center line of said township and on the south and east by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at the Kepler Schoolhouse. The southwest precinct shall be bounded on the north by the south line of the north precinct above described, on the east by the north and south center line of the township. and on the south and west by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be at Taylors' Corners schoolhouse.

Grant Township - shall be divided into three precincts designated as south, northwest and northeast. The south precinct shall be bounded on the north by the quarter section line running east and west thru said township, along what is known as the Toledo-Chicago Pike, and on the east south and west by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be the Husselman Schoolhouse. The northwest precinct shall be bounded on the south by the Toledo-Chicago Pike, on the east by a line commencing at the intersection of Wayne St., in the town of Waterloo, with the Toledo-Chicago Pike and running thence north along the center of Wayne St., to Lockhart Ave., running thence north along the center of Wayne St., to Lockhart Ave., thence west to the west line of Section 3, and thence north to the township line, and on the north and west by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at the Town Hall of Waterloo. The northeast precinct shall be bounded on the south and west by the south and northwest precincts as above described and on the north and east by the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at the Russel Hall building on the east side of Wayne St.

Jackson Township - shall be divided into two precincts designated as north and south. The north precinct shall be bounded on the south by the quarter section line running east and west thru Sections 13,14,15,16,17 and 18, and on the east, north and west by the boundary line of the township. The voting place shall be at the Maginnis Schoolhouse. The south precinct shall be bounded on the north by the north precinct above described and on the east, west and south by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be at Maurers' Schoolhouse.

Keyser Township - shall be divided into ten precincts, designated as numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9and 10.

Precinct #l, shall be bounded on the west by the quarter section line running north and south thru Sections 3 and 23, on the north by the quarter section line running thru Sections 34,35.and 36, on the east by the east line of said township, on the south by the quarter section line running east and west thru Sections 1,2 and 3. The voting place shall be at the East Addition Schoolhouse.

Precinct #2 shall be bounded on the south as follows: Beginning where the quarter section line running east and west thru Section 31 intersects the west line of said township and running thence east to the center of Section 33, thence north to a point in line with the north line of Barnes Addition to the city of Garrett, thence east to the east line of the said Barnes Addition, thence south to the east and west quarter section line in Section 34, thence east on said quarter line thru sections 34,35,36, to the east line of said township; the east, north and west lines of said precincts shall be the boundary lines of said township. The voting place shall be at Olingers Schoolhouse.

Precinct #3 shall be bounded on the north by precinct #2 as above described, on the east by the quarter section line running from the center of Section 33 to the center of Section 4, on the south by the quarter section line running from the center of Section 4 thru Sections 5 and 6 to the west line of said township and on the west by the boundary line of said township. The voting place shall be at the Town Hall of Altona.

Precinct #4 shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of precinct #1 as above described and running thence west on the quarter section line to the east corporation line of the city of Garrett, thence along said corporation line to the east and west quarter section line in Section 4, thence west to the township line thence south to the southwest corner of said township, thence north to the place of beginning. The voting place shall be at the residence of C. A. Dawson on South Randolph St.

Precinct #5 shall be bounded on the west by Randolph St., in the city in the City of Garrett, on the north by Edgerton St., in the city of Garrett, on the east by precinct #1 as above described, on the south by #4, as above described. The voting place shall be the residence of Louise Schorf at the corner of Randolph St. and St. Avenue.

Precinct #6 shall be bounded on the east by Randolph St., on the north by Edgerton St., on the south and west by precincts #3 and #4 as above described. The voting place shall be the residence of Bert Fitch on Randolph St.

Precinct #7 shall be bounded on the west by Randolph St., on the south by Edgerton St., on the north by King St., and on the east by precinct #1 as above described. The voting place shall be in the brick building east of the hotel.

Precinct #8 shall be bounded on the east by Randolph St., on the south by Edgerton St., on the north by King St., and on the west by precinct #3 as above described. The voting place shall be the City Hall.

Precinct #9 shall be bounded on the south by King St., on the west by Randolph St., on the east and north by precincts #1 and #2 as above described. The voting place shall be the residence of Frank Long on Randolph St.

Precinct #10 shall be bounded on the south by King St., on the east by Randolph St., on the north and west by Precincts #2 and #3 as above described. The voting place shall be at Shaffer's Laundry on Cowen St.

Newville Township - shall have one precinct as heretofore established.

Richland Township - shall be divided into two precincts as heretofore established.

Stafford Township - shall have one precinct as hereto established.

Smithfield Township - shall be divided into three precincts designated as the northwest, north and south precincts. The northwest precinct shall be bounded on the south by the south line of Sections 5 and 6, on the east by the east line of Section 5, and on the north and west by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be at the Engine House in Ashley. The north precinct shall be bounded on the south by the center line running east and west thru the township, on the west by the west line of the township and the east line of the northwest precinct as above described, on the north by the south line of the northwest precinct as above described to the north line of the township and on the east by the east line of the township. The voting place shall be the Summit Schoolhouse. The south precinct shall be bounded on the north by the center line running east and west thru the township and on the west, south and east by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be the Feagler Schoolhouse.

Troy Township - shall have one precinct as heretofore established.

Union Township - shall have ten precincts numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.

Precinct #l shall be bounded on the south by St. St., on the east by Main St., in the city of Auburn, and the Waterloo Road, on the north and west by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be at the residence of John Beard.

Precinct #2 shall be bounded on the west by Main St. and on the south by St. St. extended east to the 8th section line in the west half of Section 28, on the east by said 8th section line thru Sections 28 and 21, on the north by the north line of the township. The voting place shall be the office of the Grogg Cement Block Factory.

Precinct #3 shall be bounded on the north by St. St., on the east by Main St., on the south by 7th St., and the road extending west to the township line, and on the west by the township line. The voting place shall be at the DeKalb Sales and Service Garage.

Precinct #4 shall be bounded on the west by Main St., on the south by 7th St., extended east, on the east by the 8th section line in the west half of Section 28, on the north line by St. St. extended east. The voting place shall be at the J. D. Casey building on Cedar St.

Precinct #5 shall be bounded on the north by 7th St. extended west, on the east by Main St., on the south by 10th St., extended west and on the west by the township line. The voting place shall be at the F. A. Hoff building on 8th St.

Precinct #6 shall be bounded on the west by Main St., on the north by 7th St. extended east, on the east by the 8th section line in the west half of Section 33, on the south by 10th St., extended east. The voting place shall be the Auburn City Hall.

Precinct #7 shall be bounded on the north by 10th St. extended east and west, on the east by the 8th section line in the west half of Section 33, on the south by 18th St., extended west and following the St.Joe Road to the township line, and on the west by the west line of the township. The voting place shall be at the office of the Wimer-Brown Co.

Precinct #8 shall be bounded on the north and west by 18th St. extended and the St. Joe Road, on the south and west by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be Tom Procter's Barber Shop.

Precinct #9 shall be bounded on the west by precincts #2 and #4 as above described, on the south and southeast by the Butler Highway, on the east and north by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be Mort Wilson's farm residence.

Precinct #10 shall be bounded on the west by the 8th section line in the west half of Sections of 33 and 28, on the north and northwest by the Butler Highway and on the east and south by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be at Carmer's Schoolhouse.

Wilmington Township - shall be divided into six precincts designated as 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Precinct #1 shall be bounded on the west by the west line of Section 1, on the south by the south line of Section 1, on the east and north by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be Edward May's Tailor Shop. Precinct #2 shall be bounded on the east by the east line of Section 2, on the south by the south line of Sections 2 and 3, on the west by the west line of Section 3, and on the north by the north line of the township. The voting place shall be Elden Auto Sales Room.

Precinct #3 shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 12 and running thence west on the north line of said section to the main street of Butler City known as Broadway St., and section line to the south line of the township, thence east to the east line of the township, thence north to the place of beginning. The voting place to be D. A. Baker Ice Cream Factory.

Precinct #4 shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Broadway St., in the city of Butler and the Toledo-Chicago Pike, running thence south on Broadway St., and the section line to the south line of the township, thence west to the west line of Section 35, thence north to the intersection of the Toledo-Chicago Pike at the northwest corner of Section 11, thence east to the place of beginning. The voting place shall be Butler City Hall.

Precinct #5 shall be bounded on the east by precincts #2 and #4 as above described, on the south by the center line of said township running east and west, on the west by the west line of the of the township, and on the north by the township line and precinct #2 as above described. The voting place shall be Moore Schoolhouse. Precinct #6 shall be bounded on the north by the center line running through said township on the east by precinct #4 as above described, on the south and west by the boundary lines of the township. The voting place shall be Gleaner's Hall at Moore.

And it is further ordered that notice of the establishment of these precincts be given in the Auburn Courier and the Butler Record.

(Ord. o032920, passed March 29, 1920)

Chapter 2
Precinct Boundaries Amended


Precinct Boundaries Amended.  WHEREAS, Precinct #8 in the City of Auburn in Union Township contains over 750 voters and

WHEREAS, it will serve the convenience of the voters of said precinct to divide the same into two parts.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED AND ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of DeKalb County in the State of Indiana that the part of Precinct No. 8 in the city of Auburn, in Union Township, in DeKalb County, Indiana, lying west of the center line of Indiana Avenue and Indiana Avenue extended be and the same hereby is designated and constituted as a separate precinct to be numbered as precinct No. 11, in Union Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, and that part of said precinct No. 8 lying east of the center line of Indiana Avenue and Indiana extended be and the same hereby is continued as precinct No. 8 in said City of Auburn, Union Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, and that due and proper notice of the division of said precinct be given as required by law in the Auburn Dispatch and the Auburn Courier being two (2) newspapers printed and published in DeKalb County, Indiana, each of a different political party.

* This same ordinance also recorded in Commissioners Book "S", page 3.

(Ord. o060153, passed June 1, 1953)

Chapter 3
Precinct Boundaries Amended in Union Township


Precinct Boundaries Amended in Union Township.  Whereas Indiana law requires that no precinct population exceed 800 registered voters; now therefore the DeKalb County Commissioners do amend the boundaries of the precincts hereinafter described to conform to the requirement of law:

Be it resolved and ordained that the previous ordinances establishing the boundaries of voting precincts in DeKalb County be amended as follows:

The precincts known as Union Township #6 and Union Township #8 shall be amended only as to the southern boundary of Union Township Precinct #6 and the northern boundary of Union Township Precinct #8 which mutual boundary shall now be the centerline of Nineteenth Street from the centerline of Main Street, thence west along the centerline of Nineteenth Street to the centerline of Phillip Street, thence south on the centerline of Phillip Street to the centerline of Twentieth Street following the remainder of the said mutual boundary line to the centerline of the Auburn Port Authority Railroad track thence along the centerline of said railroad track south westerly to the Auburn Corporate limits.

(Ord. 89-6, passed November 6, 1989)

Chapter 4
Precinct Boundary Changes


Precinct Boundary Changes.  WHEREAS, Public Law 5-1989 requires that all election precincts in Indiana be brought into compliance with the current standards for election precinct boundaries which standards are established in I.C. 3-11-1.5 as amended; and

WHEREAS, the DeKalb County Surveyor has prepared maps and descriptions of election precinct boundaries as required;

NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained that the attached maps numbered PARENT SHEET 1 AND INSET SHEETS A THOUGH K (are approved by the DeKalb County Commissioners this date together with the census block summary reports with legal description of each separate election precinct and the election precincts described therein are hereby established as the election precincts of DeKalb County, Indiana for the following precincts, Fairfield, Smithfield West, Smithfield East, Franklin, Troy, Richland, Stafford, Butler, Jackson North, Jackson South, Concord, Spencer, Newville, Grant 1, Grant 2, Grant 3, Keyser 1, Keyser 2, Keyser 3, Keyser 4, Keyser 5, Wilmington 1, Wilmington 2, Wilmington 3, Wilmington 4, Union 1, Union 2, Union 3, Union 4, Union 5, Union 6, Union 7, Union 8 and Union 9.

This ordinance to be effective upon advertising two time one week apart in each of two newspapers of general circulation.

(Ord. 90-1, passed March 5, 1990)

Chapter 5
Amendment to Precinct Boundaries
for Butler and Union Townships.


Amendment to Precinct Boundaries for Butler and Union Townships.  WHEREAS Indiana law requires that no precinct population exceed 800 registered voters:

NOW THEREFORE, The DeKalb County Commissioners do amend the boundaries of voting precincts in DeKalb County as follows:

Precinct name - Butler 2 (#39)

All of that are being and lying South of DeKalb County Road 56 and East of DeKalb County Road 327, within Township 33 North, Range 12 East, also being within Butler Civil Township, DeKalb County, Indiana.

Precinct name - Union 3 (#25)

All that part within the City of Auburn, Union Civil Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows; to-wit:

Beginning at the intersection of Seventh Street and Cedar Creek, thence Northerly on and along said Cedar Creek to Eastwood Drive: thence Easterly on and along Eastwood Drive and First Street to Dewey Street; thence North on Dewey Street to Mark Drive; thence East on Mark Drive to Melony Lane; thence Southerly on Melony Lane to County Road No. 40-A; thence Northeasterly on County Road 40-A to East corporate line of the City of Auburn; thence generally Southerly and Easterly on and along said corporate line to State Road No. 8; thence West on and along said State Road No. 8 and said corporate line to the east corporate line of the City of Auburn South of State Road No. 8: thence generally Southerly and Easterly on and along said corporate line to the centerline of the Cliff Metcalf Drain; thence southwesterly on and along said drain centerline, and also said corporate line to Woodcliff Trail; thence Northwesterly on Woodcliff Trail to Allison Boulevard; thence West on and along Allison Boulevard to Duesenberg Road; thence North on and along Duesenberg Road to East Seventh Street or State Road No. 8; thence West on and along East Seventh Street or state Road No. 8 to the point of beginning.

Precinct name - Union 7 (#29)

All that part within the City of Auburn, Union Civil Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, and more particularly described an follows, to-wit:

Beginning at the intersection of Cedar Creek and the South line of said Union Township; thence Northeasterly along Cedar Creek to old Brick Road (also known an county Road 46-A); thence Southeasterly along Old Brick Road to Iwo Street; thence North on Iwo Street to Seventh Street; thence East on Seventh Street to Duesenberg Road; thence South on Duesenberg Road to Allison Boulevard; thence East on Allison Boulevard to Woodcliff Trail; thence South on Woodcliff Trail to the centerline of the Cliff Metcalf Drain, also being a Southerly corporate line of the City of Auburn; thence generally Southerly and Westerly on and along said corporate line to the point of beginning.

Precinct name - Butler 1 (#1)

All of that area being and lying South of DeKalb County Road 56 and West of DeKalb County Road 327, within Township 33 North, Range 12 East, also being within Butler Civil Township, DeKalb County, Indiana.

(Ord. 92-1, passed February 24, 1992)

Chapter 6
Wilmington Township Voting Precincts


Wilmington Township Voting Precincts.  And it now appearing to the Board by the petition of Frank Lyons, Trustee of Wilmington Township that the precincts of said County should be changed so as to better allocate the votes and eliminate precincts that contain over 500 voters and to better accommodate said voters, it is now ordered by the Board that the said precincts of Wilmington Township shall be changed and that the boundaries of the said precincts and voting places shall now be an follows :-

Wilmington Township shall be divided into six precincts designated as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Precinct Number 1 shall be bounded on the west by the west line of section 1, on the south by the south line of section 1, on the east and north by the boundary line of the township. The voting place to be the Lincoln Sales and Service Garage.

Precinct Number 2 shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of section 2 and running thence south to the center of the intersection of Broadway Street and Oak Street in the City of Butler; thence west along the center of Oak Street to the west corporate limits of the City of Butler, thence north to the south line of section 2, thence west on the south line of said section 2 to the southwest corner of said section 2, thence south of the east line of section 10 to the southeast corner of section 10, thence west on the south lines of section 10 and 9 to the southwest corner of section 9, thence north on the west line of sections nine (9) and 4 to the north township line, thence east to the place of beginning. The voting place shall be the City Hall of Butler.

Precinct number 3 shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of section 12 and running thence west on the north line of said section to the main street of Butler known as Broadway Street, thence south on said Broadway Street and the section lines to the south of the township, thence east to the east line of the township, thence north to the place of beginning. The voting place shall be at the office of the Butler Chick Hatchery.

Precinct number 4 shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Oak Street and Broadway Street in the City of Butler and running thence south on Broadway Street and in the section lines to the south line of the said township, thence west to the west line of section 35, thence north to the north line of section 26, thence went to the west line of section 22, thence north to the north line of section 15, thence east to the east line of section 15, thence north to the north line of section 11, thence east to the corporate line of the city of Butler, thence south to the center line of Oak Street in the City of Butler, thence east on Oak Street to the place of beginning. The voting place shall be the Charles Madden Monument Shop.

Precinct Number 5 shall be bounded on the east by precincts Number 2 and 4 as above described, on the south by the south lines of sections 19,20 and 21, on the west by the west line of the said township, and, on the north line of the said township and Precinct Number 2 as above described. The voting place shall be the Moore School House.

Precinct Number 6 shall be bounded on the north by the precincts number 5 and 4 as above described, on the east by precinct number 4 as above described and on the south and west by the boundary lines of the township. The voting plate shall be Mud Sock School House.

And the Auditor is ordered to give notice of the change of' said precincts as required by law.

(Res. 030126, passed March 1, 1926)

Chapter 7
Election Precincts



Butler Township shall consist of one (1) Precinct.


Concord Township shall consist of one (1) precinct.


Fairfield Township shall consist of two (2) precincts, known as East Precinct and West Precinct and shall be divided by the center line of said Township North and South.


Franklin Township shall consist of two (2) precincts, known as East and West Precinct, and shall be divided by the center line of' said Township North and South.


Grant Township shall be divided into three (3) precincts.

Precinct No. 1 - shall consist of all that part of Grant Township lying North of the New York Central Railroad.

Precinct No. 2 - shall consist of all that part of Grant Township lying south of the New York Central Railroad and North of Old State Road No. #6.

Precinct No. 3- shall consist of all that part of Grant Township lying south of Old State Road No. 6.


Jackson Township shall be divided into two (2) precincts, known as North Precinct and South Precinct and shall be divided by the half section line one-half mile North of the Center line of the Township.


Keyser Township shall be divided into ten (10) precincts as follows: Precinct No. 1 - shall consist of all that part of the North one-half of sections one, two and three and the South one-half of Sections thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-six outside of the City of Garrett except that part of Barnes Addition which lies in the South one-half of Section thirty-four.

Precinct No. 2 - shall consist of Sections twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty; and the North one-half of sections thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-six; also that part of the Southeast quarter of section thirty-three lying outside of the City of Garrett and that part of Barnes Addition in the south one-half of Section


Precinct No. 3 - shall consist of the south one-half of Sections thirty-one and thirty-two, and the southwest quarter of Section thirty-three; also the North one-half of Sections five and six, and the North one-half of Section four lying outside of the City of Garrett.

Precinct No. 4 - shall consist of the South three-eighths of Keyser Township lying outside of the City of Garrett.

Precinct No. 5 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying South of Houston Street and East of Randolph Street,

Precinct No. 6 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying South of Houston Street and West of Randolph Street.

Precinct No. 7 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett between Houston Street and King Street lying East of Randolph Street.

Precinct No. 8 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett between Houston Street and King Street lying Went of Randolph Street.

Precinct No. 9 - Shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying North of King Street and East of Randolph Street.

Precinct No. 10 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying North of King Street and West of Randolph Street.


Newville Township shall consist of one (1) precinct.


Richland Township shall consist of two (2) precincts, known as North Precinct and South Precinct and shall be divided by the half section line lying one-half mile North of the center of said Township.


Smithfield Township shall be divided into three (3) Precincts, known as Northwest, North and South, Described as follows: Northwest precinct shall consist of Sections five and six of Smithfield Township.

North Precinct shall consist of the North one-half of Smithfield Township, except sections five and six.

South Precinct shall consist of the entire south one-half of Smithfield Township.


Spencer Township shall consist of one (1) precinct.


Stafford Township shall consist of one (1) precinct,


Troy Township shall consist of one (1) precinct.


Union Township shall consist of ten (10) precincts, described an follows:

Precinct No. 1 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn, lying North of the Center of Third Street or Third Street extended and East of Main street or Main Street Extended.

Precinct No. 2 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying North of Third Street or Third Street extended and West of Main Street or Main street extended.

Precinct No. 3 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn, lying South of Third Street or Third Street extended, North of Ninth Street or Ninth Street extended and East of Main Street.

Precinct No. 4 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying south of Third Street and Third Street extended, North of Ninth Street and Ninth Street extended, and West of Main Street.

Precinct No. 5 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn, lying south of Ninth Street or Ninth Street extended, North of Fifteenth Street or Fifteenth Street extended and East of Main Street.

Precinct No. 6 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Ninth Street or Ninth Street extended, North of Fifteenth Street or Fifteenth Street extended and West of Main Street.

Precinct No. 7 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Fifteenth Street or Fifteenth Street extended, and East of Van Buren Street or Van Buren Street extended.

Precinct No. 8 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Fifteenth Street or Fifteenth Street extended and West of Van Buren Street or Van Buren Street extended.

Precinct No. 9 - shall consist of all that part of the West one-half of Union Township, lying outside of the corporate limits of the City of Auburn.

Precinct No. 10 - shall consist of the entire East one-half of Union Township.


Wilmington Township shall consist of Five (5) precincts described as follows:

Precinct No. 1 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Butler lying East of Broadway Street.

Precinct No. 2 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Butler lying South of Oak Street or Oak Street extended and West of Broadway Street.

Precinct No. 3 - shall consist of all that part of the City of Butler lying North of Oak Street or Oak Street extended and West of Broadway Street.

Precinct No. 4 - shall consist of all that part of the East one-half of Wilmington Township lying outside of the Corporate limits of the City of Butler.

Precinct No. 5 - shall consist of. the entire West one-half of Wilmington Township.

(Res. 112233, passed November 22, 1933)

Chapter 8
Election Precincts in Jackson Township


Election Precincts in Jackson Township.  Jackson Township shall be divided into three precincts to be known as Jackson South, Jackson Northwest and Jackson North.

Jackson South precinct shall consist of the south half of Jackson Township.

Jackson Northwest shall consist of the following territory within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn to-wit:

(Here copy the boundaries as shown by attached copy)

The following described territory encloses the new precinct to be known as Jackson Northwest.

Beginning at a point on the North Jackson Township line where the said line is intersected by the west line of Sprott street extended southerly; thence southwesterly on the west line of said Sprott Street extended to the North right of way line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company; thence southeasterly along said line to the east side of south Wayne street extended; thence southwesterly along said Wayne street to the south line of the Sewerage Disposal Plant Property; thence east alone the south line of said Sewerage Disposal Plant Property to the southeast corner thereof; thence North along the east line of said Sewerage Disposal Plant Property to the South Right of Way line of said Baltimore and Ohio Railway Company thence Northwesterly along said right of way line to a point which is 132 feet east of the East line of Jacob Street extended; thence Northeasterly parallel with Jacob street to the North Jackson Township line; thence westerly on said Township line to the place of beginning.

Jackson North shall consist of all of the north half of Jackson Township except that part within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn and being that part heretofore described as constituting Jackson Northwest precinct.

(Res. 020447, passed February 4, 1947)

Chapter 9
Union Township Election Precincts.


Union Township Election Precincts.  Union Township shall consist of ten (10) precincts described as follows:

Precinct No. 1 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying North of the Center of Third Street or Third Street extended and East of Main Street Extended.

Precinct No. 2 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying North of Third Street extended and West of Main Street or Main Street extended.

Precinct No. 3 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Third Street or Third Street extended, North of Ninth Street or Ninth Street extended and East of Main Street.

Precinct No. 4 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Third Street and Third Street extended, North of Ninth Street and Ninth Street extended, and West of Main Street.

Precinct No. 5 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Ninth Street or Ninth Street extended, North of Fifteenth Street or Fifteenth Street extended and East of Main Street.

Precinct No. 6 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Ninth Street or Ninth Street extended, North of Fifteenth Street or Fifteenth Street extended and West of Main Street.

Precinct No. 7 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of Fifteenth Street extended, and East of Van Buren Street or Van Buren Street extended.

Precinct No. 8 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of the center line of' Fifteenth Street, West of the center line of Van Buren or Van Buren Street extended and East of the center line of Indiana Avenue or Indiana Avenue extended.

Precinct No. 9 shall consist of all that part of' the West one-half of Union Township lying outside of the Corporate limits of the City of Auburn.

Precinct No. 10 shall consist of the entire East one-half of Union Township.

Precinct No. 11 shall consist of all that part of the City of Auburn lying South of the center line of Fifteenth or Fifteenth Street extended and West of the center line of Indiana Avenue, or Indiana Avenue extended.

The word "extended" in all foregoing descriptions of precincts lying, in the City of Auburn shall be construed to include any and all lands hereafter annexed by City Ordinance until such time that any one precinct shall have more voters than the County Election Board finds can be handled efficiently.

(Res. 080658, passed August 6, 1958)

Chapter 10
Election Precincts for Keyser and Wilmington Townships.


Election Precincts for Keyser and Wilmington Townships.  Keyser Township shall be divided into ten (10) Precincts as follows:

Precinct No. 1 shall consist of all that part of the North one-half of Section one, two and three and the South one-half of Sections thirty-four. thirty-five, and thirty-six outside of the City of Garrett, except that part of Barnes Addition which lies in the south one-half of Section thirty-four.

Precinct No. 2 shall consist of Sections twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty; and the North one-half of Sections thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty six, also that part of the Southeast quarter of section thirty-three lying outside of the City of Garrett and that part of Barnes Addition in the South one-half of Section thirty-four.

Precinct No. 3 shall consist of the South one-half in Sections thirty one and thirty-two, and the Southwest quarter of Section thirty-three; also the North one-half of Sections five and six, and the North one-half of Section four lying outside of the City of Garrett.

Precinct No. 4 shall consist of the South three-eights of Keyser township lying outside of the City of Garrett.

Precinct No. 5 shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying South of the Center line of Houston Street, or Houston Street extended, and East of the Center Line of Randolph Street, or Randolph Street extended.

Precinct No. 6 shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying South of the center line of Houston Street, or Houston Street extended, and West of the Center Line of Randolph Street, or Randolph Street extended.

Precinct No. 7 shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying between the Center Line of Houston Street, or Houston Street extended and the Center Line of King Street, or King Street extended, lying East of Randolph Street.

Precinct No. 8 shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett between the Center Line of Houston Street, or Houston Street extended and the Center Line of King street, or King Street extended, lying West of Randolph Street.

Precinct No. 9 shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying North of the Center Line of King Street, or King Street extended. and East of the Center Line of Randolph Street, or Randolph Street extended.

Precinct No. 10 shall consist of all that part of the City of Garrett lying North of the Center Line of King Street, or King Street extended and West of the Center Line of Randolph Street, or Randolph Street extended.

The word "extended" in all foregoing descriptions of precincts lying in the City of Garrett shall be construed to include any and all lands hereafter annexed by City Ordinance until such time that any one precinct shall have more voters than the County Election Board finds can be handled efficiently.

Wilmington Township shall consist of Five (5) Precincts described as follows:

Precinct No. 1 shall consist of all that part of the City of Butler lying East of the center line of Broadway Street, or Broadway extended.

Precinct No. 2 shall consist of all that part of the City of Butler, lying South of the Center line of Oak Street or Oak Street extended and West of the center line of Broadway Street or Broadway extended.

Precinct No. 3 shall consist of all that part of the City of Butler lying North of the center line of Oak Street or Oak Street extended and West of the Center line of Broadway or Broadway Street extended.

Precinct No. 4 shall consist of all that part of the East one-half of Wilmington Township lying outside of the Corporate limits of the City of Butler.

Precinct No. 5 shall consist of the entire West one-half of Wilmington Township.

The word "extended" in all foregoing descriptions of precincts lying in the City of Butler shall be construed to include any and all lands hereafter annexed by City Ordinance until such time that any one precinct shall have more voters than the County Election Board finds can be handled efficiently.

(Res. 081158, passed August 11, 1958)

Chapter 11
Precinct Boundary Lines Re-Established


Precinct Boundary Lines Re-Established.  WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners has spent more than six months studying elections costs and expenses in the County of DeKalb, State of Indiana, in an effort to find the most economical methods and procedures, and

WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners seeks to establish precinct voting places that are convenient to the citizens seeking to exercise his franchise, and

WHEREAS, it has become necessary to combine previously separate voting precincts into one single precinct in order to economically meet the demands of the 1965 State of Indiana General Assembly Enactments mandating the use of mechanical voting machines in this county,

Now therefore, after due consultation with all city and county officials concerned, with election procedures, and after being duly advised in the premises by all citizens who have sought to come before this board and present their views, therefore be it

RESOLVED: First, that hereafter the publication of this resolution, as the same be required by law, the voting precincts of DeKalb County, in the State of Indiana, as the same may be required and established pursuant to the laws of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, shall hereafter be bounded and described an follows:

1.   All that area within the boundaries of Fairfield Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, shall be known as Fairfield Precinct, and the same shall be one precinct.
2.   All that area within the boundaries of Smithfield Township lying west of the highway known as Interstate 69 shall be known as Smithfield Township West Precinct and shall be one precinct.
3.   All that area in Smithfield Township lying east of the highway known as Interstate 69 all be known as Smithfield Township East Precinct and shall be one precinct.
4.   All that area within the boundaries of Franklin Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as Franklin Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
5.   All that area within the boundaries of Troy Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as Troy Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
6.   All that area within the boundaries of Richland Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, shall be known as Richland Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
7.   All that area within Grant Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, lying North of the New York Central Railroad Right of Way shall be known as Grant Township Precinct No. 1 and shall be one precinct.
8.   All that area within the boundary of Grant Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, lying south of the New York Central Railroad Right of Way shall be known as Grant Township Precinct No. 2 and shall be one precinct.
9.   All that area in Union Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, outside of and not within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn, shall be known as Union Township Precinct No. 10 and shall be one precinct.
10.   All that area within the boundaries of Wilmington Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, outside of and not within the corporate limits of the City of Butler, shall be known as Wilmington Township Precinct No. 4 and shall be one precinct.
11.   All that area within the boundaries of Stafford Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as Stafford Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
12.   All that area within the boundaries of Keyser Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, and outside of and not within the corporate limits of the City of Garrett, which lies East of the highway known as U.S. 27 and State Road 327 shall be known as Keyser Township Precinct No. 1 and shall be one precinct.
13.   All that area within the boundaries of Keyser Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, outside of and not within the corporate limits of the City of Garrett, lying west of the highway known as U.S. 27 and State Road 327 shall be known as Keyser Township Precinct No. 2 and shall be one precinct.
14.   All that area within the boundaries of Jackson Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, north of the center line of County Road #56, shall be known as Jackson Township North Precinct and shall be one precinct, and all of that area within the boundaries of Jackson Township south of the center line of County Road #56 shall be known an Jackson Township South Precinct.
15.   All that area within the boundaries of Butler Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as Butler Township precinct and shall be one precinct.
16.   All that area within the boundaries of Concord Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as Concord Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
17.   All that area within the boundaries of Spencer Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as Spencer Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
18.   All that area within the boundaries of Newville Township, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known an Newville Township Precinct and shall be one precinct.
19.   The precincts within the corporate limits of the City of Auburn, DeKalb County, State of Indiana, shall be known as and bounded as described hereafter:
a.   Union Township Precinct No. 1 will be of all that area within the confines of the following described boundaries: The center line of North Main Street on the West; the corporate limits on the North; the corporate limits on the East; and a line extending from Main Street on the West to the corporate limits on the East running over and along the center line of Third Street on the South.
b.   Union Township Precinct No. 2 will be all of that area within the confines of the following described boundaries: East Boundary - the center line of North Main Street; North Boundary - the north corporate limits: South Boundary - a line extending from North Main Street to the New York Central Railroad Right of Way over and along the center line of Third Street: West Boundary - a line extending from the corporate limits on the North over and along the corporate limit line in a Southerly direction to the point where same intersects with the New York Central Railroad Right of Way and over and along said Right of Way to the place where it intersects with the South Boundary, heretofore described.
c.   Union Township Precinct No. 3 will be all of that area within the confines of the following boundaries: West Boundary - the center line of Main Street: East Boundary - the east corporate limits: North Boundary - a line extending from the aforesaid East Boundary line to the aforesaid West Boundary line over and along the center line of Third Street: South Boundary - a line extending from aforesaid East Boundary to the West Boundary line, over and along the center line of Ninth Street.
d.   Union Township Precinct No. 4. will be all of that area within the confines of the following described boundaries: East Boundary - the center line of Main Street: West Boundary - the west corporate limits: North Boundary - a meandering line extending from the west corporate limits over and along the corporate line in an easterly direction the place where same intersects the Right of Way of the New York Central Railroad then Southerly along said Right of Way where same intersects with an extended line from said Right of Way to the East Boundary over and along the center line of Third Street, thence east along said center line of Third Street to the East Boundary: South Boundary - by a meandering line extended from the center line of North Main Street westerly over and along the center line of Ninth Street to the corporate limits line and over and along said corporate limits line to the West Boundary.
e.   Union Township Precinct No. 5 will be all of that area within the confines of the following boundaries: West Boundary - the center line of Main Street: East Boundary the east corporate limits: North Boundary - a line extending between the East and West Boundaries over and along the center line of Ninth Street: South Boundary - a line from the center line of Main Street east on a straight line over and along the center line of Fifteenth Street extended to the point where same intersects with the abandoned Right of Way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Right of Way, thence easterly down the center line of said Right of Way to the east corporate limits.
f.   Union Township Precinct No. 6 will be all of that area within the confines of the following boundaries: East Boundary - the center line of Main Street: West Boundary - the west corporate limits: North Boundary - a line extending from the east boundary to the West Boundary over and along the center line of Ninth Street: South Boundary - a line extending from the east boundary to the west over and along the center line of Fifteenth Street, to the west corporate limits.
g.   Union Township Precinct No. 7 will be all of that area within the confines of the following boundaries: East Boundary - the east corporate limits: South Boundary - beginning at a point where the center line of South Wayne Street intersects with the township line, thence east on said line to the point where same connects with the corporate line and thence Northerly and Easterly over and along the corporate line; West Boundary - a line from the aforesaid North Boundary to the aforesaid South Boundary over and along the center line of Van Buren Street and Wayne Street; North Boundary - centerline of Fifteenth Street.
h.   Union Township Precinct No. 8 will be all of that area within the confines of the following boundaries: North Boundary - the center line of Fifteenth Street: South Boundary - the township line: East Boundary - the center line of Van Buren Street, and Wayne Street: West Boundary - center line of Indiana Avenue.
i.   Union Township Precinct No. 9 will be all of that area within the confines of the following boundaries: South Boundary - the township line: West Boundary - the west corporate limits: North Boundary - the center line of Fifteenth Street: East Boundary - the center line of Indiana Avenue.
20.   The precincts within the city of Garrett, DeKalb County, Indiana, shall be as follows:
a.   All of that area within the corporate limits and lying north of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Right of Way shall be known as Keyser Township Precinct No. 3.
b.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 4 shall be all that area within the confines of the following described boundaries: North Boundary - the right of way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: West Boundary - the corporate limits: East Boundary - the center line of Randolph Street: South Boundary - a straight line from the center line of Randolph Street running west to the corporate limits over and along the center line of Houston Street.
c.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 7 shall be all of that area within the city limits of Garrett north of the center line of Houston Street, east of the center line of Randolph Street and south of the Right of Way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The East Boundary thereof being the city limits.
d.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 6 shall be all of that area within the following described boundaries: East Boundary - center line of Randolph Street: South Boundary - corporate limits: West Boundary - corporate limits: North Boundary - a straight line running from the East Boundary of aforesaid to the West Boundary of aforesaid over and along the center line of Houston Street.
e.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 5 shall be known as all of that area within the confines of the following described boundaries: North Boundary - the center line of Houston Street: West Boundary - the center line of Randolph Street: South Boundary - the corporate limits: East Boundary - the corporate limits.

The precincts within the city of Butler shall be known as Wilmington Township Precinct No. 1; Wilmington Township Precinct No. 2 and Wilmington Precinct No. 3, and each of the aforesaid precincts shall be bounded by the descriptions as follows:

Wilmington Precinct No. 1: all that part of the city east of the center line of Broadway Street within the corporate limits.

Wilmington Precinct No 2: all that part of the city south of the center line of Oak Street and west of the center line of Broadway Street within the corporate limits.

Wilmington Precinct No. 3: all that part of the city north of the centerline of Oak Street and Oak Street Extended and west of the center line of Broadway Street, within the corporate limits.

(Res. 66-1a, passed February 14, 1966)

Chapter 12
Voting Precinct Boundaries


Voting Precinct Boundaries.  WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners have been advised that the City of Garrett has caused an annexation of land adjoining Keyser Township Precinct No. 5 and Keyser Township Precinct No. 7 of the City of Garrett, Indiana.

Now therefore after due consideration the following action was taken by the Board of Commissioners.


1.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 5 shall be all of the area within the following described boundaries:

North boundary - the center line of Houston Street and Houston Street extended East to the East corporate limits of the City or Garrett; West boundary - The center line of Randolph Street; South boundary - The South corporate limits of the City of Garrett; East boundary - The East corporate limits of the City of Garrett,

2.   Keyser Township Precinct No,.7 shall be. the area within the confines of the following described boundaries.- North boundary - South of the right of way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; West boundary - The center line of Randolph Street; South boundary - The center line of Houston Street and Houston Street extended East to the corporate limits of the City of Garrett; East boundary - The East corporate limits of the City of Garrett.

(Res. 68-2, passed March 4, 1968)

Chapter 13
Annexation to Garrett
Keyser Twp. Precincts No. 5 and No. 7


Annexation to Garrett Keyser Twp. Precincts No. 5 and No. 7.  WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners have been advised that the City of Garrett has caused an annexation of land adjoining Keyser Township Precinct No. 5 and Keyser Township Precinct No. 7 of the City of Garrett, Indiana.

NOW THEREFORE, after due consideration the following action was taken by the Board of Commissioners.


1.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 5 shall be all of the area within the following described boundaries:

North boundary - The center line of Houston Street and Houston Street extended East to the East corporate limits of the City of Garrett; West boundary - The center line of Randolph Street; South Boundary - The South corporate limits of the City of Garrett; East boundary - The East corporate limits of the City of Garrett.

2.   Keyser Township Precinct No. 7 shall be the area within the confines of the following described boundaries: North boundary - South of the right of way of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road; West boundary -The center line of Randolph Street; South boundary - The center line of Houston Street and Houston Street extended East to the Corporate limits of the City of Garrett; The East boundary - The East Corporate limits of the City of Garrett.

(Res. 71-1, passed March 15, 1971)

Chapter 14
Annexation to Auburn
Adjoining Union Township Precinct No. 1


Annexation to Auburn Adjoining Union Township Precinct No. 1.  WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners have been advised that the City of Auburn has caused an annexation of land adjoining Union Township, Precinct No. 1 of the City of Auburn, Indiana.

NOW THEREFORE, after due consideration the following action was taken by the Board of Commissioners.


Union Township Precinct No. 1 shall be all of the area within the following described boundaries: The center of North Main Street on the West; the Corporate limits on the North; the Corporate limits on the East; and the South boundary line shall be a line extending from Main Street on the West and running over and along the center line of Third Street East to Eckhart Avenue; thence South on the Center line of Eckhart Avenue to the South line of Lot No. 17 of Highland Addition; thence East along the South line of Lot No. 17, 40, 57 and 80 of said Highland Addition; thence continuing East and along the South line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 21 in Woodcrest Addition to Melony Lane Street; thence Southerly on the Center Line of Melony Lane to County Road 4OA; thence Northeasterly along the Center line of said County Road 40A to a point where the East Corporate Limits line extended intersects with Center of County Road 40A.

(Res. 71-2, passed March 15, 1971)

Chapter 15
Precinct Boundaries Amended


Precinct Boundaries Amended.  WHEREAS Indiana Law requires that no precinct population exceed 800 registered voters; now therefore the DeKalb County Commissioners do amend the boundaries of the precincts hereinafter described to conform to the requirements of law:

Be it resolved and ordained that the previous ordinances establishing the boundaries of voting precincts in DeKalb County be amended as follows:

The precinct now known as Grant Township Precinct #1 shall be divided into two separate precincts and all of the corporate limits of the Town of Waterloo north of the New York Central Railroad tracks now known as the Amtrak tracks shall be Grant Township Precinct #3 and all of that area within the corporate limits of the Town of Waterloo south of aforesaid rail road tracks shall be Grant Township Precinct #1 and all of that area of Grant Township in DeKalb County that lies outside the corporate limits of the Town of Waterloo shall continue to be Grant Township Precinct #2

The precincts known as Union Township #6 and Union Township #8 shall be amended only as to the southern boundary of Union Township Precinct #6 and the northern boundary of Union Township Precinct #8 which mutual boundary shall now be the centerline of Nineteenth Street form the centerline of Main Street, thence West along the centerline of Nineteenth Street to the centerline of Phillip Street, thence south on the centerline of Phillip Street to the centerline of Twentieth Street following the remainder of the said mutual boundary line to the west as previously established.

(Ord. 89-3, passed January 23, 1989)



WHEREAS the law of the State of Indiana demands the realignment of election districts for county commissioners and county council members, which districts must be composed of contingious territory, be reasonably compact, and contain as nearly as possible equal population to all districts, which must be reviewed and realigned no less than every ten years,

NOW THEREFORE be it enacted that the following districts shall henceforth be the election districts for county commissioners and county council members in DeKalb County, Indiana.


West District

The district is bounded on the east by Interstate I-69; on the north by DeKalb-Steuben County line; on the west by DeKalb-Noble County line; and on the south by DeKalb-Allen County line.

Northeast District

This district is bounded on the east by the Indiana-Ohio State line; on the north by DeKalb-Steuben County line; on the west by I-69 and on the south by the centerline of County Road 40 from the Indiana-Ohio State line to the intersection of County Road 40 and 45 and continuing west on that section line through Union Township to I-69.

Southeast District

This district is bounded on the east by the Indiana-Ohio State line; on the north by the centerline of County Road 40 from the Indiana-Ohio State line to the intersection of County Road 40 and 45 and continuing west on that section line through Union Township; on the west by I-69; and on the south by the DeKalb-Allen County line

Each voter of the County of DeKalb may vote for one county commissioner to serve from each of the three commissioner districts, and a revised division of commissioner election districts shall be made every ten years hereafter.

BE IT FURTHER enacted that the following districts shall henceforth be the election districts for county council members in DeKalb County, Indiana


Councilmatic District No. 1

This district is composed of the following: Troy, Wilmington, Stafford, Jackson, Concord, Spencer, and Newville Townships.

Councilmatic District No. 2

This district is composed of the following: Fairfield, Smithfield, Franklin, Grant and Union Townships, except Auburn within the City limits.

Councilmatic District No. 3

This district is composed of the following: Richland, Keyser and Butler Townships.

Councilmatic District No. 4

This district includes the Union Township portion of Auburn within the city limits only.

In addition to the four council districts above described there shall be three at large council members who shall be elected by all of the voters of the entire county area in the election year of 1984 and each four years thereafter.

Each voter of the County of DeKalb may vote for one county council member residing in the council district wherein the voter casts his or her ballot in the election year 1982 and each four years thereafter.

Council districts shall be revised by ordinance in or before January 1992 and each ten years thereafter.

Commissioners and council members shall assume their duties on the date set forth in the State election law.

This ordinance and the election guidelines contained therein shall be effective in the election year 1982 and become an emergency exists this ordinance shall be declared in full force and effect upon passage.

(Ord. o020282, passed February 2, 1982)

Chapter 1
Council Districts


Council Districts.  WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners after due consideration have set the following Council Districts as required by law:

DISTRICT 1. Wilmington, Stafford, Newville, Concord, Spencer & Jackson Townships of DeKalb County.

DISTRICT 2. Richland, Fairfield, Smithfield, Grant, Franklin and Troy Townships of DeKa1b County.

DISTRICT 3. Keyser and Butler Townships of DeKalb County,

DISTRICT 4. Union Township of DeKalb County.

(Res. 72-2, passed November 20, 1972)

Chapter 2
Council Districts


Council Districts.  The County Commissioners having determined that a change is required to equalize the voters in the respective Council districts of DeKalb County and after due study to determine a fair division of districts assuring that no one district shall have more than ten percent population differentiation from all other districts be it resolved:

The County council districts of DeKalb County Indiana shall henceforth be four districts, numbered #1, #2, #3, and #4, and district #1 shall be composed of the Townships of Wilmington, Stafford, Jackson including that portion of the city of Auburn in Jackson Township and Concord, Spencer, and Newville, and district #2 shall be composed of Townships Fairfield, Smithfield, Franklin, Troy, Grant, and rural Union Township (excluding the City of Auburn), district #3 shall consist of Townships of Richland, Butler, and Keyser, including that portion of Keyser Township that includes the City of Auburn, and district #4 shall consist of all of the City of Auburn in Union Township. The Commissioners find that the ideal district would be composed of a population of 8,831 and the districts as outlined are District (#l) 8,772 residents; District (#2) 8,072 residents; District (#3) 9,218 residents; and District (#4) 9,262 residents; out of a total population of 35,324.

(Res. 123091, passed December 30, 1991)


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